Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend to Want You Back - Is Hooking Up With Another Guy a Good Idea?

Breaking up is always a painful
experience. It really hurts
because you feel rejected,
unloved and your confidence is
It can be especially nasty when
you see you ex hooking up with
other girls and you feel the
pangs of jealousy. When you see
him with another women it
makes you want him even more
and you hate yourself for it.
The good news is you can win
him back. The following 'sneaky
mind tricks' will teach you how
to manipulate his 'emotional ape
brain' and use jealousy to your
The first reaction after a break is
to plead and beg for forgiveness.
You feel let down and you wish
he would explain exactly why he
doesn't want to be with you
anymore. You feel jealous
thinking of him with other girls.
The trick is to use that jealousy to
your advantage.

You may also want to talk to him
and discuss things. These
feelings are born from
frustration and despair. You
need to avoid these feelings. You
can do this by focusing on
yourself instead of your
relationship and the break up.
And then there's psychology.
Modern advances mean we
understand a lot more about
attraction now then we ever did
One example of this is hooking
up with other guys. The thought
of this can drive him crazy with
desire for you. You need to be
careful though. Done incorrectly
you could push him over the
edge and he may never want to
see you again. You need to use
the correct tricks just at the right

If you want to discover the dirty
psychological tricks about how
to get your ex boyfriend to want
you back then click on this link
now and read about a sneaky
psychological mind trick you can
use right now - Get Boyfriend
Dave Dawes is a writer for http://
where you'll discover a little-
known method to make your ex
boyfriend beg and plead for YOU
back - before it's too late and
your "window of opportunity"
closes forever...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rather than to merely ingest
breast enlargement supplements
and pray for miracles to occur, it
is far better for you to know the
facts about Fenugreek breast
supplementation. Particularly, in
the current worldwide
marketplace for natural breast
enlargement without surgery,
one of the most common
ingredients you will find included
within top-notch breast
augmentation supplements is
Thus, it can become a great
benefit for you to know exactly
what Fenugreek breast
enlargement should truly
comprise. Now, you will
encounter one problem when
you attempt to gather research
data on the success rate of this
nutrition enhancing herb.
The reason why the above rings
true is because worldwide or
even United-States-only statistics
about Fenugreek breast size
remain generally lacking.

Shape Your Body With Body Shape Calculator

The Body Shape Calculator can
help you determine which one of
the four Body Shapes you are. By
establishing your Shape you can
find out which Diets and types of
exercise suit you. This can be
hugely beneficial in terms of the
effectiveness at which you burn
For example an individual with
an Apple would be
recommended to opt for
cardiovascular exercise that is of
a low impact nature. This is due
to osteoporosis, a medical
condition which these Shapes
are susceptible to.
As a result, low impact exercise
that places little strain on the
skeletal systems is chosen. These
include swimming, cross training
and rowing. These would take
the place of walking and
If you were, on the other hand, a
Pear Body Shape you would be
more likely concern with
achieving a good balance
between your slender upper
body and your large lower body
such as your hip and gluteus.

The best way to achieve this
would be to focus on building a
slight bit of lean muscle to the
Upper body such as the arms
and shoulders. Most importantly
though, you would want to
concentrated on shedding the
excess weight from your lower
From my experience, I have
found the best exercise to get an
Ideal Shape is High Intensity
Interval Training (HIIT).
What you do is pick your favorite
cardiovascular exercise. It can be
Rowing, running, power walking,
cross-training or whatever. Now
you choose a period of 30-45
minutes which you will exercise
For the 30-45 minutes you are
exercising you should vary the
intensity by going full on, 90%
pace for 30 seconds and the
drop back down to a moderate
pace for the next minute then
back up to full-on pace for the
next 30seconds... and so on. Do
this for the duration of your
exercise and you will see more
dramatic fat loss due to you
burning more calories in a
shorter space of time.

By finding out your shape be it
pear, ruler, hourglass or Apple
Body Shape with the calculator it
can also help you dress for your
Body Shape.
For instance, if you were a Pear
characterized by a large lowered
body and a slender upper body
you may wish to achieve a more
balanced look by accentuating
your upper body and slightly
disguising you lower body.
This can be done by wearing
boot cuts jeans that are well
fitting around the waist with
some sort of a jacket give the
appearance that the shoulders
are bigger than they actually are.
Visit http://
Shape-Calculator.html to find out
your Shape with the Free Body
Shape Calculator