Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend to Want You Back - Is Hooking Up With Another Guy a Good Idea?

Breaking up is always a painful
experience. It really hurts
because you feel rejected,
unloved and your confidence is
It can be especially nasty when
you see you ex hooking up with
other girls and you feel the
pangs of jealousy. When you see
him with another women it
makes you want him even more
and you hate yourself for it.
The good news is you can win
him back. The following 'sneaky
mind tricks' will teach you how
to manipulate his 'emotional ape
brain' and use jealousy to your
The first reaction after a break is
to plead and beg for forgiveness.
You feel let down and you wish
he would explain exactly why he
doesn't want to be with you
anymore. You feel jealous
thinking of him with other girls.
The trick is to use that jealousy to
your advantage.

You may also want to talk to him
and discuss things. These
feelings are born from
frustration and despair. You
need to avoid these feelings. You
can do this by focusing on
yourself instead of your
relationship and the break up.
And then there's psychology.
Modern advances mean we
understand a lot more about
attraction now then we ever did
One example of this is hooking
up with other guys. The thought
of this can drive him crazy with
desire for you. You need to be
careful though. Done incorrectly
you could push him over the
edge and he may never want to
see you again. You need to use
the correct tricks just at the right

If you want to discover the dirty
psychological tricks about how
to get your ex boyfriend to want
you back then click on this link
now and read about a sneaky
psychological mind trick you can
use right now - Get Boyfriend
Dave Dawes is a writer for http://
where you'll discover a little-
known method to make your ex
boyfriend beg and plead for YOU
back - before it's too late and
your "window of opportunity"
closes forever...